Monday, June 16, 2014

What is Faithfully Essential

The beginning of 2014 was a time of soul searching.  I spent several weeks focusing on devotion in my life.  I spent time fasting, in my own way, and praying (attempting to be diligent in that) for what 2014 holds for me. I started a new job of being a rural carrier for out local post office which has kept me crazy busy. I have kept digging into what natural health meant for me and my family.
This is what has been born of that time.

~Faithfully Essential~
Trusting that God is true and constant in providing the very basic, important and necessary needs for my family.

faith·ful - adjective \ˈfāth-fəl\

: having or showing true and constant support or loyalty
: deserving trust : keeping your promises or doing what you are supposed to do

es·sen·tial - adjective \i-ˈsen(t)-shəl\

: extremely important and necessary
: very basic

My life in the last few years has been about finding ways to care for my family in natural, healthy ways.  We try to eat real food and truly limit the amount of processed food we consume.  My cleaning, laundry, personal care products are specifically chosen because I know they're toxin free.  When my husband's gingivitis can be managed simply because of the mouthwash I buy, I will continue buying it.  Healing psoriasis that was leaving scabby patches on my daughter's scalp, making her lose hair simply by making sure I buy safe shampoo.
I began the journey looking for options.  'Lord, what do I do?' is exactly what I said.  He has found ways to provide me with the things I needed, did I ever need to question that? Anyone that has dealt with medical issues should know that the list of side effects for medicine(s) can far outweigh (I truly believe this) the benefits of the medication(s).
I came across an article a few weeks ago.  I don't remember where it is now but here's the basic gist.  When you are faced with a health obstacle never rely on your doctor to understand everything about the situation.  Your doctor sees dozens of patients a day, hears about hundreds of health issues in a week and spends 20 minutes a month (every six months, a year) with you to determine a course of action.  Do you honestly think your doc knows enough about your environment, the health issue and how the two react for your case to treat it perfectly?  Please, leave the delusions at the door.  Whatever the health issue, you, the patient should know more about it and how it is affecting you than the doctor.  Go in to him with research, questions, options, options, options and be your best advocate.

A bit of history.
Me - hormone imbalance.  I (seriously, truthfully here) researched it for about four years before a doctor would finally believe me and submit for the testing and evaluations I requested.  The doctors response when my results came in?  "In looking over these results I noticed that many of the things you talk about fall under symptoms.  It appears you have been dealing with this for a while then, haven't you."  Then the next step was "here's a prescription" for unnatural, further harmful medication.
My husband - dental cleanings every three months for periodontal disease (gingivitis) every six months at his dentist and the opposite six months at a periodontal specialist. After switching his mouthwash he doesn't go to the specialist anymore, doesn't need to take Tylenol before/after appointments to deal with the pain of the cleaning. He still goes regularly but the hygienists he sees are amazed at how healthy his mouth is.
A good friend, her son - emotional, upsetable and hard to connect with.  Peace & Calming essential oil on a daily basis and his preschool teacher and speech therapist are both noticing the differences in his capabilities.  Mama says, 'He's like a different boy.'  What a joyful, joyful blessing to enjoy!
A neighbor - endometriosis. Now after using Progessence Plus to help balance her hormones she has found out she is EXPECTING!!  This is a gift they never imagined to receive again.  Truly an awesome thing that God has blessed them with.
The list of stories like this is long.  The blessings I can count because of this list is tremendous.  The greatness of God's glory shines bright.  What are you struggling with?  If you are reading this something brought you here.  Take the first step.  Have faith and do it, I promise I will be there to take it with you because you are NEVER ALONE.  If this is how God requests me to serve you it is my truest pleasure to do so.

So, long story, short point.
Whatever you're facing, ask God to guide you.  Maybe He has guided you here so that you can ask me questions.  Maybe you're here so that you can begin researching on your own what you're dealing with and what the options are.  Maybe you're here so that you can have peace in knowing that what you're doing is the right thing.
I asked God for a healthy way to care for my family.  He sent me Melaleuca.
I asked God to further show me essential oils and how they can bless my family.  He sent me Young Living.

Faithfully Essential
Trusting that God is true and constant in providing the very basic, important and necessary needs for my family.
Deo Volente my friends,

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